Location : Peeley Trailhead (NOBO Mile Marker 403.3 )
Date: 10-10-2019
Weather: Clear skies, starting temperature 72 degrees, warm throughout the day.
Total Mileage Completed : 16.9 miles on AZT (small approach trail – 1 mile)
Hike Description:
UGH….. If you have read much of this blog you will know, I am not a fan of driving on scary ass dirt roads. The approach trail from Peeley Trailhead to the AZT is a short little .50 miler, but the 12 mile drive from Highway 87 to Peeley Trailhead was not for me. Not a tough 4×4 road, but scary with a couple spots on insane dropoffs. Now I am not too afraid of hiking trails with dropoffs. I know how to control my feet, but I never trust a car on a dirt road. Lets just say this… I had to do this drive twice. Once on Hike #80 and again on Hike #82 and I will never be back. Summit-ting Mount Peeley is not in my future.
So the hike itself was…… rough…. Only 16.9 miles and 3,520 feet up / down so statistically not too bad but….. this trail was rough, rocky and steep at times. Funny how the trail condition and not as much the actual mileage or elevation gains can make a hike tough. I literally slipped and crashed a couple times on this hike. One time loosing foot off the side and the second coming down a steep hill and lost both feet on overgrown vegetation, landing smack on my bum… hard. The trail was extremely overgrown at spots and the brambles were thick. Wore my gaiter which helps tons but my knees still got it. Nice views as standard in the Matazals, but not one of my favorite AZT hikes.

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