Location :Flagstaff Blue Blaze
Date: 5-28-2019
Weather: Light to moderate clouds, starting temperature 60 degrees and the turn about 73 degrees.
Total Mileage Completed : 16.7 on AZT (Blue Blaze)
Hike Description: In an effort to touch every part of the AZT, Tom and I hopped in the Jeep and drove back up to Flagstaff, taking on the north section of the Blue Blaze alternative town section of the Arizona Trail. Wanting a little leg training and a small break from the long drive to the North Rim, we arrived back at the Buffalo Park Trailhead in Flagstaff. Originally on the map as a 16.7 moderate hilly hike, me being a typical bonehead failed to notice the “CLOSED” trail warning on the Guthook app. Hiking north as normal within 2 miles we ran into the sign. DO NOT ENTER – This section of Trail is close for Logging. Darn…. what to do. Now gaining some intelligence I re-reviewed the guthooks map and found a re-route trail, so off we went trail blazing across open forest. This is were the app really rocks…. the GPS arrow just pointed us in the direct and we follow it until bam !!!! back on trail. The alternative route was not the best but it got the job done connecting back to our old hike #20, which was the original intended spot. Eitherway a fun little hike and the return re-route took us thru the western part of Flagstaff hiking thru neighborhoods and back into downtown. Being Flagstaff no one really took too much notice to a couple guy hiking in town with backpacks on. Got to love Flag. 🙂
After all was said and done, the total hike was a little over 20 miles and it felt good to get the legs stretched out with townie speed hiking.

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