Location : Telephone Hill Trailhead (NOBO Mile Marker 744.2 )
Date: 7-25-2019
Weather: Clear skies light clouds, starting temperature 72 degrees and the turn about 87 degrees.
Total Mileage Completed : 16 on AZT
Hike Description: Hi All. So this hike we returned to the location which we left off in Hike #67 the snowy hike from Murray Lake Trailhead in the middle of the North Kaibab section of the AZT. Hiking out of Telephone Hill Trailhead, this section start at the southern most damaged area from the 2007 North Rim forest fire. If you recall from my narrative from hike #67 I was very disappointed from the condition of this section. Not only the snow, but also the total damage this fire had caused to a once beautiful and lush forest. Coming back now in the middle of summer, I do need to correct myself. There is tons of new growth and conservation effort visible all over.
In general this hike was a mix of forest and prairie hiking with a good amount of hilly ups and downs throughout the day. A quick little 16 mile out and back with light clouds, a moderate mid-80 degree day, very pleasant views surrounds you.
An enjoyable easy but hilly hike. Enjoy the photos.

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