Location : Rogers Trough Trailhead – Superstition Mountains (NOBO Mile Marker 319 )
Date: 12-12-2019
Weather: Partial clouds skies, starting temperature 38 degrees, Cold throughout the day
Total Mileage Completed : 22.5 miles on AZT
Hike Description:
This hike was completed in December 2019, just after a week of pretty bad winter storms in Arizona. Compounded with that, this section of the AZT, running through the southern part of the Superstition Mountain, a couple months earlier had been ravaged by a brush fire. I knew it would be a rough trail but it was very very rough and nearly killed us…. So starting out very early in the morning, the turn off I60 and Queen Valley Road was easy to find, but that’s where the fun started. I know a lot of 4×4 guys will know this road up to Rogers Trough, but for us, in the dark, it was a bumpy long drive up some pretty steep hills with massive drop offs, especially towards the end and close to the trailhead. Note, its a good hour long drive from the highway to the Trailhead. A 4×4 with high clearance is for sure required, a steady steering hand also. 🙂
So…. the hike we knew was going to be tough and long 22 miles with nearly 4,000 feet of ups and downs. We just did not fully expect the condition of the trail would be so bad. The wash outs were insane and at one point of the mountain climb, the trail was completely washed out and we nearly fell 500 feet down a ravine trying to jump a washed-out switchback (NOBO 319.7). With the bad brush fire, most of all the really pretty scenery was burn and ugly. There was some part of this section the awesome wild-land fire crews had been able to protect near Reavis Pass. Great job guys. Thank you. I truly could not imagine the work they had to endure to hike into this area and fire the raging fires.
All in all a good tough hike but not one I would redo for fun…..

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